North Norfolk
manufacturing group
The North Norfolk Manufacturing Group (NNMG) has been setup by NAAME in partnership with North Norfolk District Council.
The aim of the Group, which meets quarterly, is to create a powerful voice for the needs of manufacturing and engineering businesses in the district. The direction of the Group is dictated by the businesses. Relevant issues that affect the industry locally and nationally is also discussed. Outcomes from each meeting will inform the NAAME board thus enabling a voice to be heard and to lobby for what businesses need.
The Group also gives businesses the opportunity to make connections and grow relationships with relevant local businesses. By being involved with the NNMG, it will help businesses identify collaborations and build supply chains, learn from one another and embed best practice. We have already seen a number of collaborative partnerships develop between several of the businesses that have attended.
Currently our North Norfolk Manufacturing Group members are being invited to the Greater Norwich Manufacturing Group meetings. In 2025 we will be looking to have the North Norfolk Manufacturing Group up and running again – if you are keen to attend or potentially host a group meeting please contact james.williamson@naame.co.uk to discuss.

Our team
Stewart Damonsing
NNMG CoordinatorJames Williamson
NAAME Project Manager
Meet Our Members

Host a meeting
If you are interested in hosting a Manufacturing Group, please get in touch: james.williamson@naame.co.uk