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Google Digital Garage Workshop in Norwich

Digital Coaches will be on hand to answer any questions related to growing their businesses – anything from building a website, to creating a Social Media strategy. It will be a morning of workshops, peer networking sessions & one-to-one mentoring from Google. To effectively make the most of the morning, we have created easily digestible 15 minute power sessions that deliver a lot of tangible value for businesses.

At The Forum, Norwich on Wednesday 17th May, 2023, we will be hosting a Google Digital Garage. This is a fully-funded training workshop open to businesses from Norfolk and Suffolk. We are also running this event on the 26th April at Ashlar House, Bury St Edmunds.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Learn how to build your Digital Marketing Strategy for your business by learning about different digital marketing channels available and how they can be applied for your business objectives.

Get started with Analytics

This course will help you apply data-driven thinking to your business. Explore the questions your customer data can help you answer, discover tools to access these insights

More information and registration here

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