Demystifying Net Zero: Setting a Net Zero Strategy
- Date
- July 21, 2021
- Time
- 13:00-14:00
- Location
- Online
While UK’s manufacturers contend with the consequences of the EU exit and battle with Covid-19, ‘Net Zero’ has undoubtedly become a mainstream topic and is here to stay as the challenge becomes more and more pressing. For the UK industry this means, according to the UN Committee on Climate Change (CCC) to halve its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. The UK Government is ramping up its domestic strategies to align with the latest CCC’S Net Zero Pathway to 2050 and, as the host of the UN Climate Change Conference in November, is keen to demonstrate its global leadership by example.
Waiting for the recovery from the pandemic is not an option, we must start now. Industry, and particularly the manufacturing sector, has a pivotal role in the transition to a low-carbon economy and the government is counting on our sector’s active participation in the Green Industrial Revolution, as coined by the PM in his 10-point plan for a Green recovery. All businesses, large or small, energy intensive or not, have their part to play.
Net Zero, along with digitalisation, is driving innovation, new and more sustainable production and business models, and many opportunities are to be seized.
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